Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me

Is transparency a good thing? In my quest to increase my authenticity, viagra usa prescription I thought I would do a blog post with a little self disclosure.

Johari Window

Johari Window

This is a diagram of the Johari Awareness window. Johari sounds like some guru on top of a mountain somewhere that would reveal the secrets of life. Actually it was created by a guy named Joe and a guy named Harry. The model was created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955. The size of the 4 windows may vary depending upon an individuals style. If a person has a high awareness of self and self discloses a lot, doctor the upper left box is biggest and that individual is known as healthy. A person who knows very little about themselves and others know a great deal, the upper right box is large and they have a large blind spot. If an individual has a large amount of self awareness but reveals very little, the upper left box is large and they have a large hidden area. If the individual is low in self awareness and others know very little, the lower right is larger and the unknown arena is large. A large blindspot can create a bull in the china shop where things are constantly breaking but the individual is out of touch. A turtle personality type might have a large unknown arena.

I remember years ago, I knew a leader who believed that it was not important that others knew anything about him. This “leader” was a turtle personality type.

In the spirit of self awareness and self disclosure, here’s a list of 11 things that you probably don’t know about me.

1. I hate onions. I can say “no onions” in English, Spanish, Russian, and Vietnamese.
2. I did stand up comedy in college. I once had to follow a guy that juggled live mice. I think it was before PETA.
3. I’m a 4th generation Oklahoma pioneer. My Great Grandfather staked his claim during the land rush.
4. I was once stranded on a ski mountain in a white out snowstorm and given a 2% chance of being found alive.
5. I played in the poker game with Phil Laak and Jennifer Tilley where Phil set the world record for the longest poker session.
6. I climbed the Grand Teton in Jackson, Wyoming (13,776 feet) on summer break from college. Did it in one day.
7. I trained to be a white water raft guide one summer.
8. I took Karate when I was in high school.
9. I was elected senior class president in high school.
10. During a business trip to NJ, a friend of mine went with me and took second place at the US poker championship.
11. My wife is Turkish.

What are some things that I probably don’t know about you?

About Dale Perryman

Conduct workshops and seminars on leadership, management, and employee development. Founder of Center for Organizational Learning. Co-founder and creator of MyMeetingPro, a suite of apps for iPhone and iPad that create simply effective meetings. Specialties include leading change, meeting facilitation, developing R&D leadership, merger integration, and social media marketing. Enjoy playing poker and stock investing in spare time.