Getting Hired

Most people have the attention span of a goldfish.

In the last behavioral interviewing blog post, I described how interviewers could use behavioral interviewing in order to make quality hiring decisions. In this blog post, I will describe how interviewee’s can nail their dream job.

The best targeted story tellers will win the job. Target the job skills that make the difference. In preparation for the interview, make a list of the critical skills which the interviewer will be searching for. Examine all written materials looking for examples of these skills. Then, write down a specific example of when you have demonstrated each of these skills. In the story tell the situation, the action, and the result.

Practice the story until you can deliver it in an elevator speech. An elevator speech can be delivered before you arrive at your desired floor. It must be targeted and to the point. Make your point in 30 seconds or less. Research shows that most people have the attention span of a goldfish. Your goal is to get the job offer from this goldfish who is interviewing you.

Good luck and please let me know your story!

About Dale Perryman

Conduct workshops and seminars on leadership, management, and employee development. Founder of Center for Organizational Learning. Co-founder and creator of MyMeetingPro, a suite of apps for iPhone and iPad that create simply effective meetings. Specialties include leading change, meeting facilitation, developing R&D leadership, merger integration, and social media marketing. Enjoy playing poker and stock investing in spare time.